Guide to Understanding Google Cloud Networking Levels

Richard savarimuthu
3 min readFeb 9, 2022

A virtual private network (VPCN) is also known as network. It is the virtualized equivalent of a physical network. Networks allow data connections to and from cloud resources, primarily Compute Engine instances in Google Cloud Networking.

To protect data and limit the access to resources, Google cloud partner must ensure network security. Google Cloud Networking allows flexible and conceptual isolation between unrelated resources via its different tiers.

Google Cloud Networking Levels-

Networks: Networks are the direct link between your resources and the rest. Access controls are available for both inbound and outbound connections on firewall-enabled networks. Global networks offer horizontal scaling across many regions, while regional networks are limited in latency within a single area.

Virtual Private Cloud networks consist of subnetworks, or subnets. These subnetworks are IP range subdivisions. Each subnet or network is assigned a region. VPC networks do not have IP ranges. Subnetworks are assigned IP ranges. If a subnet is present, you can only use the network.

Projects These are the outer compartments and they are used to group resources according to the trust boundaries. Programmers often map projects to teams, as each project has its own access control policies (IAM), and member list. Projects can also be used to store information about resource usage and invoicing. Projects are made up of networks, which include Subnetworks, Firewall Rules and Routes.

Subnetworks let you group like resources (Compute Engine instances), into RFC1918 specific address spaces. Subnetworks are local resources. Each subnetwork is assigned a range of IP addresses.

One of the two possible ways a subnetwork could operate is:

  • Network in Custom Mode: This network has no subnets and allows you to have complete control over the generation of subnets. Before creating an instance of a custom-mode network, you must first create a subnetwork within the region. There are many benefits to a custom-mode network.
  • Auto Mode Network: Each subnet in an auto mode network contains a preset IP range. It must fit within the CIDR block These subnets are automatically created when an auto mode network is constructed. Each subnet has the exact same name as the entire network.

As new GCP regions become available using an IP range in that block, subnets are automatically added to the automode networks. We can also manually add subnets to existing auto mode networks to complement the already established subnets. For more information, visit proxies residential

Firewalls Every network’s firewall rules blocks all traffic to instances by default. This is because the default setting of firewall rules is to deny-all incoming. To allow traffic to an instance, you must set “allow” rules in the firewall. The default firewall will accept traffic from instances unless you have an “egress”, firewall setting that restricts outward connections.

You can therefore create “allow” rules to allow traffic in and “deny” rules to prevent traffic from leaving. You can also create a default-deny rule to prevent external connections and allow egress.

It is recommended that you use the most restrictive firewall rules to allow the traffic you want. Google cloud partners will only allow traffic to the designated instances. This configuration is less predictable than a firewall that allows traffic to all instances.

If you wish to have “deny” rules override certain “allow” rules, you can set priority levels for each rule. The lowest priority rule will be taken into consideration. It is not recommended to create complex and extensive override rules as this could lead to traffic that is not allowed or blocked.

